The Judeo-Christian Bible Project

NOTE: This page is a work in progress, and will be for some time. There may be unfinished items and links that may change or do not work. We apologize for any inconsistency.

Below is a table showing the progress that has been made on the Judeo-Christian Bible Project. Books that are complete show a C in the Status column, whereas books that are partially finished show a P. Any books that are available to the public in a separate form will have a clickable link.

Christian Order

Total Books: 84 Complete: 11 Partial: 7

Messianic Jewish Order

Total Books: 79 Complete: 11 Partial: 7

Harmonized Chronological

Total Books: 68 Complete: 11 Partial: 5

Text before the Chart

Standard Christian Order Status Messianic Jewish Order Status Harmonized (Chronological) Status Apocryphal Supplement Status
Genesis P Torah Genesis/Jubilees C Book of the Secrets of Enoch?  
Jubilees P Genesis P Enoch   Odes?  
Exodus   Jubilees P Job   Ascension of Isaiah  
Leviticus   Exodus   Exodus   1 Meqabyan  
Numbers   Leviticus   Numbers   2 Meqabyan  
Deuteronomy   Numbers   Deuteronomy/Testament of Moses P 3 Meqabyan  
Testament of Moses P Deuteronomy   Joshua   Testament of the Three Patriarchs  
Enoch   Testament of Moses P Judges/Ruth P Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs  
Joshua   Nevi'im (Prophets) Samuel/Kings/Chronicles/Prayer of Manasseh P Testament of Aaron  
Judges   Enoch   Joel ~835   The Shepherd of Hermas  
Ruth P Joshua   Jonah ~785   The Epistle of Barnabas  
1 Samuel   Judges   Amos ~760   The Apocalypse of Peter  
2 Samuel   Samuel   Hosea ~750   The Book of Giants  
1 Kings     Isaiah ~740-701   Letter of Aristeas  
2 Kings   Kings   Micah ~737-696   3 Baruch  
1 Chronicles     Judith ~700   4 Baruch  
2 Chronicles/Prayer of Manasseh P Isaiah   Tobit ~680      
Ezra   Jeremiah   Nahum ~650      
Nehemiah   Baruch   Zephaniah ~630      
Esdras B   2 Baruch   Jeremiah/Lamentations/Letter of Jeremiah/Baruch 626-587      
Ezra Sutuel   Ezekiel   2 Baruch      
Hadassah (Esther)   Daniel   Psalms      
Tobit   Hosea   Deuterocanonical Psalms P    
Judith   Joel   Proverbs      
Job   Amos   Song of Sons      
Psalms   Obadiah C Qohelet'      
Deuterocanonical Psalms P Jonah   Habakkuk ~605      
Proverbs   Micah   Daniel (captured ~605)-~530      
Qohelet' (Ecclesiastes)   Nahum   Ezekiel ~592      
Song of Songs   Habakkuk   Obadiah ~586 C    
Wisdom   Zephaniah   Lamentations ~585      
Ben Sirach   Haggai   Ezra Sutuel ~570      
Isaiah   Zechariah   Haggai ~520      
Jeremiah   Malachi   Zechariah ~520      
Lamentations   Ezra Sutuel   Hadassah (Esther) ~480      
Baruch   Ketuvim (Writings) Ezra/Nehemiah/Esdras B ~450      
2 Baruch   Chronicles/Prayer of Manasseh P Malachi ~430      
Ezekiel   Sirach ~300-250      
Daniel   Ezra-Nehemiah/Esdras B   3 Maccabees ~221-204      
Hosea     1 Maccabees/2 Maccabees ~165      
Joel     4 Maccabees ~100      
Amos   1 Maccabees   Wisdom ~100-50      
Obadiah C 2 Maccabees   Harmonic Gospel ~5 B.C. -~30 A.D. P    
Jonah   3 Maccabees   Acts ~30 A.D. - ~60 A.D.      
Micah   4 Maccabees   James ~45 A.D.      
Nahum   Ben Sirach   Galatians 48 A.D.      
Habakkuk   Wisdom   1 Thessalonians ~49 A.D.      
Zephaniah   Psalms   2 Thessalonians ~51 A.D.      
Haggai   Deuterocanonical Psalms P Corinthians to Paul/3 Corinthians ~51 A.D. C    
Zechariah   Proverbs   1 Corinthians ~54 A.D.      
Malachi   Job   2 Corinthians ~55 A.D.      
1 Maccabees   Song of Songs (Pesach)   Romans ~57 A.D.      
2 Maccabees   Ruth (Shavuot) P Hebrews ~62 A.D.      
3 Maccabees   Lamenations (Tisha B'Av)   1 Peter ~62 A.D.      
4 Maccabees   Qohelet' (Yom Teruah)   Ephesians ~62 A.D. C    
Matthew P Tobit (Sukkot)   Philippians ~62 A.D. C    
Mark   Judith (Hanukkah)   Colossians ~62 A.D. C    
Luke   Hadassah (Purim)   Philemon ~62 A.D. C    
John   Beshurot (Gospels) 1 Timothy ~63 A.D.      
Acts   Matthew P Titus ~63 A.D.      
Didache C Mark   2 Peter ~64 A.D.      
Romans   Luke   Jude ~64 A.D. C    
1 Corinthians   John   2 Timothy ~64 A.D.      
2 Corinthians   Toldot Ha'Shlichim (Acts of the Apostles) Didache ~67 A.D. C    
Corinthians to Paul/ 3 Corinthians C Acts   1 John ~90 A.D. C    
Galatians   E' Gurot Shlichim (Letters of the Apostles) 2 John ~90 A.D. C    
Ephesians C Romans   3 John ~90 A.D. C    
Philippians C 1 Corinthians   Revelation ~95 A.D.      
Colossians C 2 Corinthians          
1 Thessalonians   Corinthians to Paul/ 3 Corinthians C        
2 Thessalonians   Galatians          
1 Timothy   Ephesians C        
2 Timothy   Philippians C        
Titus   Colossians C        
Philemon C 1 Thessalonians          
Hebrews   2 Thessalonians          
James   1 Timothy          
1 Peter   2 Timothy          
2 Peter   Titus          
1 John C Philemon C        
2 John C Hebrews          
3 John C James          
Jude C 1 Peter          
Revelation   2 Peter          
    1 John C        
    2 John C        
    3 John C        
    Jude C        
    Didache C        
    Nevu'at Yochannan (Prophecy of John)        
Total: 84 books   Total: 79 books   Total: 68 books