A Yom Kippur Prayer

YHVH, Almighty King of the Universe, who alone is worthy of all allegiance and worship, thank You for bringing me to this glorious day.  You have loved me beyond all measure even when I made myself Your enemy through the self-worship in my heart.  You reached down and took the punishment of my sins upon Yourself in Jesus, the once-for-all perfect atoning sacrifice You provided for Your whole nation.  I thank you that you have permanently inscribed my name in the Book of Life.  Though I can never repay You for this, I give You myself as an offering of worship.  I thank You that Your Holy Spirit is producing holiness in me, causing me to reflect the values you displayed in the Law You gave to Moses.  Help me to love and forgive others as You have loved and forgiven me.  Conform me to the image of Yourself you created me to be—the one displayed in Your Word, Jesus, when He was here on the earth.  

I thank You that you I am now free to call You my Father and that I have been adopted into Your family as a son.  I want to know You more and to live continuously in Your presence; teach me to ever-increasingly hear Your voice.  Thank you that you are bringing the bread of our inheritance, the kingdom of God, to us every day.  Lead your people in Your way and Your truth.  Keep us from deception and from the temptations of our enemy; deliver us from the hand of the evil one in order to show the world that Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.  I ask these things of you in the authority of the glorious, magnificent, and holy name of my Messiah and Lord, Jesus.  Amen.